Enviro Businesses

“Enviro Business Guide” – RCA’s Membership Directory
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Aerosol - Processing

Antifreeze & Glycol - Collection

Antifreeze & Glycol - Processing

Batteries - Processing

Beverage Containers - Depots

Beverage Containers - Processing


Bicycle - Recycling/Reuse

Carpet - Processing

Cleaning Services

Compostable Products

Confidential Shredding

Construction - Building Materials

Construction - Concrete Collection

Construction - Demolition / Renovation Services

Construction - Processing

Construction - Waste Collection

Consulting Services

Consumer Products

Drywall - Collection

Drywall - Processing

Education / Awareness

Educational Institutions

Electronics - Collection / Processing

Environmental Associations

Equipment - Collection

Equipment - Processing

Financial Services

Fluorescent Lamps - Collection

Fluorescent Lamps - Processing


Furniture - Reuse

Glass - Collection Services

Glass - Processing

Glass - Products


Hazardous Waste Services


Industry - Associations

Insurance Services




Mattresses - Processing

Metal - Collection Services

Metal - Processing

Municipal Associations

Office Supplies & Equipment

Oil & Gas

Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Collection Services

Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Processing

Organics - Backyard Composters

Organics - Collection

Organics - Processing


Paint - Collection Services

Paint - Processing

Paint - Products

Painting Services

Paper - Collection Services

Paper - Processing

Plastic - Collection Services

Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin

Plastic - Processing

Producer Responsibility Services

Propane Cylinders - Processing

Property Management


Recycling - Commercial Collection Services

Recycling - Community Programs

Recycling - Curbside Collection Services


Retail Consumer Outlets

Rubber - Collection Services

Rubber - Processing

Rubber - Shred / Crumb

Soil Reclamation

Textiles - Collection

Textiles - Processing



Waste Audits

Waste Collection

Waste Reduction Associations

Waste to Energy

Wastewater Treatment

Wood - Chips

Wood - Collection Services

Wood - Processing

Accent Wire Tie

Sabrevois, QC
Baling wire manufacturer and distributor in North America
  • Equipment - Processing


Edmonton, AB
AECOM is a global network of experts working with clients, communities and colleagues to develop and implement innovative solutions to the world's most complex challenges. They connect expertise across services, markets, and geographies to deliver transformative outcomes.
  • Consulting Services

Aevitas Inc.

Edmonton, AB
AEVITAS provides industry leading regulated waste solutions to industrial, institutional and commercial customers across Canada. They are a full-service company providing collection across Alberta from their Edmonton facility. Their highly trained technical experts and dedicated service personnel will ensure your company's regulated waste materials and spent by-products are managed properly, safely, and efficiently.
  • Aerosol - Processing
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Batteries - Processing
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Processing
  • Paint - Processing
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Paint - Collection Services
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Collection
  • Propane Cylinders - Processing
  • Antifreeze & Glycol - Collection

Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA)

Edmonton, AB
Industry Association - Auto dismantlers and recyclers purchase damaged vehicles to re-sell various undamaged components to the public and to various businesses in the automotive sector. AARDA members process approximately 55,000 vehicles per year in Alberta.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Alberta Bottle Depot Association

Edmonton, AB
The Alberta Bottle Depot Association represents over 200 bottle depots and works with its stakeholder partners, Beverage Container Management Board & Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corp, to facilitate recycling of beverage containers in Alberta.
  • Industry - Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Alberta Computers for Schools

Edmonton, AB
Computers for Schools is a national program that refurbishes computers donated from government, private business and individuals for use for use by schools, libraries, registered not-for-profit learning organizations and Indigenous communities.
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Alberta Environment and Protected Areas

Edmonton, AB
The Pollution Prevention and Conservation Section improves Alberta's environment by preventing and reducing waste; promoting the conservation and wise use of energy and water; and preventing pollution. Our actions will support, encourage and build capacity of stakeholders and model the way to environmental stewardship.
  • Government

Alberta Innovates

Edmonton, AB
Alberta Innovates is a crown cooperation that has been helping researchers, entrepreneurs and industries fuel, feed, and build our province for more than a century.
  • Government

Alberta Plastics Recycling Association

Calgary, AB
The Alberta Plastics Recycling Association (APRA) is in its 32nd year as a not-for-profit association dedicated to the goals to advance plastic circularity and progress Alberta as a sustainable place to do business. APRA is a conduit of information in the diversion of plastics from landfill and makes introductions among stakeholders to build important relationships. Its membership consists of plastics resin producers, manufacturers, fabricators, converters, wholesalers and retailers of plastic products, along with plastics recyclers and other members of the recycling community. The organization has helped to establish plastics recycling initiatives in Alberta for materials including used oil containers, milk containers and expanded polystyrene (EPS) among others. The Association is committed to the establishment of an agricultural plastics program and increased capture of plastics materials without a designated recycling program.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Alberta Recycling Management Authority

Edmonton, AB
Since 1992, Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) has proudly and responsibly managed some of the province's major recycling initiatives. ARMA is a not-for-profit organization that acts on behalf of the province to oversee all aspects of end-of-life processing of electronics, paint, tires, and used oil materials and is the administration and oversight authority for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
  • Waste Reduction Associations
  • Producer Responsibility Services

Alberta Waste & Recycling Ltd.

Calgary, AB
Alberta Waste & Recycling develops and provides innovative, practical and environmentally sustainable waste management solutions to provincial and municipal governments, developers/owners, contractors, builders and waste haulers. Resource Recovery Depots will be set up throughout Alberta to accept and recycle construction and demolition waste materials.
  • Construction - Processing
  • Consulting Services

Alberta's Industrial Heartland Association

Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association is a non profit association dedicated to sustainable eco-industrial development in Alberta's Industrial Heartland.
  • Municipal Associations

Allied Paper Savers

Edmonton, AB
Allied is a full-service recycler for all grades of paper and other recyclable material.
  • Paper - Processing
  • Paper - Collection Services

Alternative Root

Edmonton, AB
Alternative Root, or AltRoot, provides a better way to manage organic waste. They divert municipal and commercial organic waste from landfills and efficiently turn it into nutrient-rich, environmentally friendly compost. They then provide that compost to local farmers, who apply it to their fields as a biologically diverse soil amendment.
  • Organics - Processing

Amici Enterprises

Calgary, AB
Amici Enterprise Inc. started in 1991 by inventing, patenting and marketing the Envirowrapper - The Reusable Pallet Wrapper to reduce and/or eliminate stretch-wrap plastic where possible in the transportation of goods on pallets. The Envirowrapper will also reduce damages to product and waste going into the landfills.
  • Manufacturing

Aquatera Utilities Inc.

Grande Prairie, AB
Aquatera is the City of Grande Prairie's Utility corporation for water and waste services, including recycling services.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Utilities

Arusha Centre

Calgary, AB
The Arusha Centre is a collectively run, member-supported organisation that provides resources and initiatives on social justice and environmental issues. They help Calgarians through community economic development and community resilience programs and offer varied practical resources, animating activities which educate, inspire and connect with and between people and projects.
  • Environmental Associations

Athabasca Regional Waste Management Services Commission

Athabasca, AB
The Commission operates Rural Transfer Sites, a Recycle Facility and a Regional Landfill Site. All sites collect plastics, paper products, oil jugs, oil filters, glass, tin cans, other metals, appliances and more.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

AtSource Recycling Systems

Coquitlam, BC
Supplier of balers, compactors and shredders for recycling and waste handling.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Equipment - Processing

Beaver Grinding & Recycling

Rocky View County, AB
Calgary Division operates a waste wood recycling facility. Waste wood, such as pallets, can be dropped off, or Beaver Grinding can provide a roll off bin or trailer services for pick up.
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Wood - Processing
  • Wood - Chips

Beverage Container Management Board

Edmonton, AB
Administer and manage Alberta's beverage container management system. The mandate of the BCMB is to maximize the stewardship of beverage containers for the benefit of the environment of the province of Alberta and to administer the Beverage Container Recycling Regulation.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Big Country Regional Recycling Society

Hanna, AB
Non-Profit organization, committed to developing and promoting practical waste reduction within our region.
  • Education / Awareness
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley

Canmore, AB
Nonprofit organization with the mission of advancing community leadership to address environmental challenges
  • Environmental Associations

Bird Construction

Edmonton, AB
For over 100 years, Bird as a General Contractor has expanded across the country, building deep Canadian roots. Their teams are equipped with the expertise and experience needed to collaborate from initial planning through construction and into operations and maintenance. Bird has built up a strong profile in the water and environmental sector and is involved in multiple organic waste processing facilities across Canada.
  • Construction - Demolition / Renovation Services
  • Organics - Processing

Blenderz Garment Recyclers

Edmonton, AB
Blenderz is a zero waste, zero export, textile recycling company in Edmonton, Alberta. They take garments and other textiles from local thrift stores and charity shops and break down the materials that cannot be resold.
  • Textiles - Processing

BluPlanet Recycling Inc.

Calgary, AB
Waste services provider
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Collection
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Organics - Collection
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Metal - Collection Services

Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement

Caslan, AB
Buffalo Lake is one of eight Métis Settlements in Alberta with a land base that is comprised of 35,356 hectares (3.75 Townships) and has a population of 1,236 people. Buffalo Lake is located in east-central Alberta, 200 km northeast of Edmonton and 50 km south-west of Lac La Biche, other towns nearby are Boyle and Smoky Lake.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Calgary Board of Education (CBE)

Calgary, AB
CBE's Vision: The Calgary Board of Education is the dynamic learning community of choice. We provide quality learning opportunities and options. Our learners take ownership by discovering and developing their potential, passions and gifts. They take their place as lifelong learners and make a significant contribution within a complex, changing world.
  • Educational Institutions

Calgary Co-operative Association Ltd.

Calgary, AB
Member-owned, co-operative retailer - food, Pharmacy, travel services, gas (Petroleum) services, and liquor.
  • Retail Consumer Outlets
  • Food

Call2Recycle Canada

Vancouver, BC
Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. is a non-profit organization that collects and recycles batteries. More than 9,000 collection sites are available throughout Canada. A leader in its field, Call2Recycle was built upon a commitment to environmental sustainability and meets or exceeds the most rigorous recycling standards for the safe recycling and management of batteries.
  • Batteries - Processing
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Canadian Battery Association

Victoria, BC
Canadian Battery Association develops and implements Stewardship Programs for lead batteries across Canada
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Carton Council of Canada

Markham, ON
The Carton Council of Canada is a group of carton manufacturers united to deliver long-term collaborative solutions to increase carton recycling in Canada. They work with sorting facilities, municipalities, waste management companies and many other stakeholders. Their priorities are to: grow consumers'​ awareness that cartons are recyclable and ensure they place their empty cartons in the recycling bin; introduce separate sorting of cartons at more sorting facilities; encourage the development of more end markets for post-consumer cartons in North America; and help municipal and provincial governments reach their waste diversion goals.
  • Industry - Associations

Cascades Recovery+

Edmonton, AB
Provide comprehensive recycling and waste services for industrial, commercial, institutional, municipal and rural sectors across Canada and in the United States.
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Paper - Processing

Cascades Recovery+

Calgary, AB
Provide comprehensive recycling and waste services for industrial, commercial, institutional, municipal and rural sectors across Canada and in the United States.
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Paper - Processing

Catapult Environmental Inc.

Foothills, AB
Catapult Environmental has developed an advanced Organics Processing facility in High River, Alberta, previously referred to as Highwood Organics Processing during its design phase. This facility transforms food waste and other organic materials into compost. By late 2025, an anaerobic digester will be added on-site to produce Bio-gas. This innovative project is the first of its kind in Alberta, aimed at serving both municipal and industrial clients throughout the Foothills County area.
  • Waste to Energy
  • Organics - Processing

Centra Cam Vocational Training Association

Camrose, AB
Non-profit organization with mission of providing opportunities for independence for challenged individuals.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Confidential Shredding

Change.Toothpaste Inc.

Edmonton, AB
Change.Toothpaste Inc. is a manufacturer, distributor and retailer of zero-waste toothpaste tablets.
  • Consumer Products

ChemKleen Environmental Solutions Inc.

Calgary, AB
ChemKleen Environmental cleans Gasoline, Diesel, Jet A, Lube oil Storage Tanks,Electric Motors, Generators, Heat Exchangers and Turbines on-site. ChemKleen cleans storage tanks from 200 gallons up to 20 000 000 gallons. ChemKleen provides on-site industrial cleaning of machinery and equipment. ChemKleen provides Storage Tanks, Machinery and Building repair and interior and exterior epoxying. ChemKleen provides API 653 and API 510 Inspection Services, as well as servicing remote locations by plane, helicopter, ship, or barge.
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Cleaning Services
  • Oil & Gas

Circular Innovation Council

Toronto, ON
Circular Innovation Council is an independent environmental organization with a deep history of supporting policy development, research, and market interventions that accelerate Canada's transition from a linear to circular economy. By harnessing its economic, social, and environmental benefits, CIC believes that the Circular Economy can realign production and consumption within our planetary boundaries and redefine what we most value in people and the planet.   
  • Waste Reduction Associations
  • Environmental Associations

City of Airdrie

Airdrie, AB
City-owned & operated Transfer Site and Recycling Depot. A self-serve depot for use by residents of Airdrie and Rockyview County.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Beaumont

Beaumont, AB
City of Beaumont provides waste, recycling and organic collection services to over 5,000 households in their community of over 18,000 citizens.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Calgary

Calgary, AB
Municipality offering recycling and diversion programs.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Camrose

Camrose, AB
Municipality offering recycling and diversion programs
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Edmonton

Edmonton, AB
  • Organics - Processing
  • Waste Collection
  • Soil Reclamation
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Fort Saskatchewan

Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Municipality serving a population of 25,000.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Lethbridge

Lethbridge, AB
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills
  • Organics - Backyard Composters

City of Medicine Hat

Cypress County, AB
Municipality with population of 62,000.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Red Deer

Red Deer, AB
City of Red Deer is a municipality located between Edmonton and Calgary. The City offers residents organics, recycling and garbage collection services using fully automated three cart system. At the City's Class II landfill, Waste Management Facility (WMF) diverts drywall, shingles, branches, wood pallets, scrap metal, white goods, electronics, propane tanks, tires, car batteries and yard waste. At WMF entrance, a recycling depot accepts cardboard, newspaper and mixed paper, tin cans, plastic (one through to seven) and glass jars.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of St. Albert

St. Albert, AB
The City of St. Albert is an urban municipality of around 72,000 residents located immediately adjacent to the northwest border of the City of Edmonton in Alberta.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

City of Yellowknife

Yellowknife, NT
Northern, remote community. Lined landfill and compost pad.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Clean Foundation

Dartmouth, NS
Clean Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1988. Over the last 20 years, the organization has evolved into an effective, high profile institution with a broad mandate to work with individuals, government, business, and communities to improve our environment.
  • Environmental Associations

Cleanfarms Inc.

Etobicoke, ON
A non-profit industry stewardship organization that helps farmers recycle or properly dispose of waste agricultural plastic and other waste materials generated on farms.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Clorox Company of Canada (Glad Canada)

Brampton, ON
Clorox Canada - Manufacturer of Glad products including BPI Composting Bags and Blue Recycling Bags. Other Clorox brands include Brita, Burts Bees, and Pine Sol
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Manufacturing

Collective Waste Solutions

Calgary, AB
Collective Waste Solutions is an Alberta based, privately-owned, full service waste management company. Founded in 2006, Collective Waste Solutions has been providing safe, economical, and appropriate handling of waste material to municipalities, organizations, businesses and residents in Alberta.
  • Waste Collection

Construction Links Network

Sundre, AB
Established in 2003, Construction Links Network is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform for the construction, building and design community. This one-of-a-kind platform gives an opportunity for members of the network to publish and distribute online content such as news, videos, blogs, events, press releases and more.
  • Marketing

Cooperators Group Limited

Guelph, ON
As a leading Canadian financial services co-operative, Co-operators offers multi-line insurance and investment products, services, and advice to build financial strength and security. They work every day to support the unmet economic, environmental and social needs of all Canadians, helping them build more resilient and sustainable communities. Through their resiliency and sustainability program, they are working towards building a circular economy in their insurance claims handling, and towards providing customers and communities with opportunities to rebuild resilient and sustainably.
  • Insurance Services

CORE Environmental and Recycling

Edmonton, AB
C2 Recycling is an Alberta-based Construction and Demolition Materials Recovery Facility, providing comprehensive multi-material waste management solutions for waste generators and haulers. C2 Recycling specializes in supporting clients in achieving their ESG goals by providing attainable waste solutions through their services, including, site assessments, remediation, waste valorization, diversion audits and reporting, education, consulting, and a multi-material recovery processing facility.
  • Organics - Processing
  • Waste Audits
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Metal - Processing
  • Construction - Processing
  • Wood - Processing
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Construction - Concrete Collection
  • Wood - Chips
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Mattresses - Processing

Cornerstone Co-operative

St. Paul, AB
A retail cooperative with 24 facilities in 8 communities in northeast Alberta: St. Paul, Dewberry, Elk Point, Mannville, Vermilion, Wainwright, Provost, and Two Hills.
  • Retail Consumer Outlets

County 44 Waste & Recycling Ltd

Calgary, AB
County 44 is a waste and recycling collection company
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services

County of Grande Prairie No. 1

Clairmont, AB
Rural Municipality - Providing landfill & recycle facilities to our ratepayers.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

D & M Plastics Inc.

Lacombe, AB
Rotational molder of polyethylene products.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Equipment - Processing

DBS Environmental

Lethbridge, AB
DBS environmental is a special waste management company, with a focus on the Household Hazardous Waste program. They offer Toxic Roundups and Paint Collection under the Alberta Paint Program. DBS also works with The E-waste program providing E-waste Roundups and routine collections. DBS also operates Paper Trail Recycling, a medium-sized MRF for commercial and industry recycling programs as well as community recycling programs.
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Processing
  • Paint - Processing
  • Paper - Processing
  • Paint - Collection Services
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Collection
  • Glass - Processing
  • Aerosol - Processing
  • Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin
  • Waste Collection

Dillon Consulting Limited

Edmonton, AB
Dillon is one of Canada's leading employee-owned, full-service engineering, environmental and planning services firms. Dillon has offices in both Edmonton and Calgary, as well as sixteen other offices across Canada. Dillon's waste management practice acknowledges the need for innovative solutions to sustainable manage waste, and works with clients to reduce waste through the application of Circular economy models, food waste minimization strategies, as well as research into other waste minimization techniques and policy approaches. Consistent with the multi-disciplinary nature of the field, solutions are offered through a multidisciplinary approach, including planning and public consultation, education, civil, chemical and environmental engineering, risk analysis, asset management, financial modelling, and policy support.
  • Consulting Services
  • Waste Audits

Dove Centre

Bonnyville, AB
Comprehensive supports for adults with developmental disabilities.
  • Beverage Containers - Depots

Drumheller & District Solid Waste Management Association

Drumheller, AB
Non-profit organization with mandate to operate and maintain a Regional Recycling Facility for the Town of Drumheller, Town of Trochu, Kneehill County, Wheatland County, Starland County
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

Earthware Reusables Inc.

Calgary, AB
Earthware Reusables Inc. is a return-for-reuse container program for food service providers in Calgary and surrounding communities. Their mission is to tackle the waste produced by 450 million single-use takeout containers, both plastic and compostable, that end up in landfills and on the streets of Alberta each year. The impact of this initiative can be seen in the 60,000 containers that have been collected, washed, sanitized, thoroughly inspected, and sold for reuse to food service providers since Earthware's inception.
  • Packaging

ECCO Recycling & Energy Corporation

Calgary, AB
ECCO Recycling grew out of ECCO Waste Systems Ltd with the construction of an onsite Materials Recycling Facility, which opened in 2012. ECCO Recycling has developed several products and services from a range of source materials, including recycling shingles into asphalt and wood materials into mulch and animal bedding. Throughout ECCO Recycling's business operations, their overarching goal is to protect the environment through implementation of sound environmental practices, adherence to environmental legislation and diversion of materials for reuse into commercial and industrial products.
  • Waste to Energy
  • Paper - Processing
  • Landfills
  • Wood - Chips
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Waste Collection
  • Metal - Processing
  • Construction - Processing
  • Wood - Processing
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Eco Lighting Solutions

Calgary, AB
Eco Lighting Solutions is an Independent Distributor of LED Lighting and other Energy saving products. As a service to their customers, they also collect and recycle used fluorescent lamps Ballasts, and fixtures for proper processing.
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Processing

Eco-Growth Environmental Inc.

Calgary, AB
Eco-Growth Environmental delivers Waste-To-Energy solutions through their innovative Eco-Growth Organic Reactors EGOR(TM) & Eco-Boiler Gasification Technologies
  • Waste to Energy
  • Organics - Processing

EcoSafe Zero Waste Inc.

Surrey, BC
EcoSafe® Zero Waste is a major supplier to programs involving organics waste diversion. They offer a full range of certified compostable bags as well as containers to help their customers' programs succeed. EcoSafe® Zero Waste adds value to customers by offering training, marketing support and program development.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Organics - Collection
  • Compostable Products

eCycle Solutions Inc.

Waterdown, ON
eCycle Solutions Inc. is a Canadian electronics recycling and IT asset disposition specialist. eCycle Solutions stringently follows industry best practices to deliver secure data destruction, comprehensive asset recovery, concise inventory management reporting, reliable logistics and environmentally sensitive recycling services. Founded in 2005 in Airdrie, Alberta, eCycle operates four processing facilities across Canada certified to the R2, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. eCycle’s facility is Airdrie, Alberta is also fully certified to the ARMA recycling standard. For more information about eCycle Solutions, visit ecyclesolutions.com.
  • Batteries - Processing
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing
  • Office Supplies & Equipment

Edmonton Public Schools

Edmonton, AB
Edmonton Public Schools serves students, families and communities throughout Edmonton with a range of programs and great learning spaces. The EnviroMatters Office is an initiative of the Infrastructure department and the centre of the Division’s environmental initiative.
  • Educational Institutions

Edson & District Recycling Society

Edson, AB
A non-profit society with membership from the community, County, town councils and chamber of commerce. Oversees operation of recycling depot and forwards recommendations on waste minimization to the town and County councils.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

EFS-Plastics Inc.

Listowel, ON
EFS-plastics Inc. is an Ontario-based post-consumer plastics recycler with a focus on processing bales of mixed plastics and plastic bags into a high-quality 100% post-consumer plastic resin. Founded in 2007, EFS-plastics has recycled approximately 150,000 tonnes of plastics that may have otherwise been exported overseas or landfilled.
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin

Electronic Products Recycling Association

Burnaby, BC
The Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) is Canada's leader in cost-effective recycling programs for end-of-life-electronics - having diverted over 788,000 metric tonnes from the landfills and illegal export since its first program began in 2007. As a not-for-profit, industry-led organization, EPRA enables consumers and businesses to manage electronics responsibly - for a better tomorrow.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Electronic Recycling Association

Calgary, AB
Established in 2004, ERA is a non-profit organization committed to reducing the environmental impact of improperly discarded toxic electronic waste by offering accessible services to help corporations and individuals manage their retiring IT assets. ERA offers data erasure services, prompt and professional corporate pickup.
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Empower Environmental Solutions Alberta / Northstar Clean Technologies Inc.

Calgary, AB
Empower Environmental Solution's mission is to be the leading shingle material recovery provider in North America, extracting 99% of the recovered components from single-use asphalt shingles that would otherwise be sent to a landfill. Their clean technology solution is expected to have a significant impact on the environment by reducing landfill usage, reducing the CO2 impact of asphalt, fiber and aggregate production, and contributing to the "circular economy".
  • Construction - Processing

Emterra Group

Burlington, ON
Emterra Group is a leading provider of waste diversion and recycling solutions that help municipal, industrial, commercial and institutional clients achieve zero waste.
  • Glass - Collection Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Producer Responsibility Services
  • Metal - Processing
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Beverage Containers - Processing
  • Rubber - Processing
  • Paper - Processing
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Glass - Processing

Environmental 360 Solutions

Aurora, ON
Environmental 360 Solutions is quickly becoming North America's leading and most trusted environmental management company. Growing through acquisition and organic growth, E360S provides environmental and waste management solutions to municipalities and commercial customers in Alberta to following regions: Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Drayton Valley, Mountain View County, Cypress County & County of Forty Mile.
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Wood - Processing
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services
  • Wood - Chips
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Glass - Collection Services
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Collection Services

Environmental Recycling Solutions

Calgary, AB
Environmental Recycling Solutions recycles all lights manufactured, such as fluorescent tubes, CFLs, U-Bents, Mercury Vapor, Metal Halide and High Intensity Discharge (HID) bulbs.
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Processing

Environmental Services Association of Alberta

Edmonton, AB
Not-for-profit business association of nearly 300 companies which provide environmental products and services. ESAA provides its members with a wide range of programs and services in an effort to encourage professional development and increase business opportunities.
  • Environmental Associations

Ermineskin Technical Services

Maskwacis, AB
Ermineskin Technical Services provides the Water & Wastewater Services as well as the Solid Waste Program to their community in Maskwacis, Alberta. They are from one of the 4 Cree Nations in Maskwacis.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Wastewater Treatment

Evergreen Co-operative Association

Rocky Mountain House, AB
The Evergreen Co-op has been a cornerstone in Central Alberta for over 75 years. They now serve more than 18,000 members, employ over 300 individuals, and their annual sales exceed $120 Million.
  • Retail Consumer Outlets

Evergreen Theatre

Calgary, AB
Evergreen Theatre proudly offers environmentally-inspired musical theatre touring performances, puppet shows, and artist-in-residency programs for schools and community groups. Beyond that, they provide commissioned works and workshops for organizations, conferences, zoos, science centres, museums, and corporations. Evergreen Theatre has been on the forefront of 'green' programming for over 32 years!
  • Education / Awareness

Executive Waste Solutions Inc.

Fort McMurray, AB
Consulting company specializing in developing/updating regulatory documents to help keep your company or municipality in compliance.
  • Consulting Services

Expert Process / Pellenc ST

Inverness, QC
Expert Process is known for their expertise in optical sorting solutions. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, they offer customized and flexible solutions with cutting-edge technology, including PellencST optical sorters, a complete range of magnetic separators from Lenoir Magnetic System, and much more.
  • Equipment - Processing

Explore Edmonton

Edmonton, AB
As Edmonton's Destination Management and Marketing Organization (DMMO), Explore Edmonton manages the Edmonton Convention Centre, the Edmonton EXPO Centre and their industry-leading marketing teams. They help tell Edmonton's story, elevate the Edmonton experience, and drive visitation year-round.
  • Marketing
  • Property Management

Find Furniture Bank

Edmonton, AB
Find is a social enterprise that provides essential furnishings free of charge to individuals and families who are transitioning out of homelessness, and supplies low-cost, quality furniture and housewares for sale to the public. Find is the largest of its kind in North America and they are proud to support their community every day through housing first and our retail stores.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Furniture - Reuse

First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group (TSAG)

Edmonton, AB
TSAG provides technical services and training for First Nations in Alberta such as asset management, water and wastewater management, environmental management, housing support services, fire safety, information technology services and youth initiatives. TSAG is mandated by the Chiefs of Alberta and takes direction from a Chiefs Steering Committee and Board of Directors, which include representatives from Treaty 6, Treaty 7, and Treaty 8.
  • Education / Awareness

Flagstaff Waste

Sedgewick, AB
Flagstaff Waste is a non-profit society that provides solid waste collection for 10 rural towns, villages & hamlets in Flagstaff County, provides permanent and temporary bin rental services (3 yd - 40 yd), and operates 5 transfer sites
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

Flying Pigs Environmental Services

Canmore, AB
Proudly based in Alberta's Bow Valley, Flying Pigs currently supports clients from Kananaskis to Lake Louise. Their full suite of basic collection services are complemented by innovative offerings that support responsible waste-management and help build a sustainable future.
  • Waste Collection
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Confidential Shredding
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Collection
  • Glass - Collection Services
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Organics - Collection
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Education / Awareness

Full Circle Plastics Ltd.

Lethbridge, AB
Full Circle Plastics extrudes post-consumer recycled plastic into dimensional lumber and other products.
  • Manufacturing
  • Plastic - Processing

GenAlta Recycling Inc.

Sherwood Park, AB
GenAlta Recycling Inc. is a scrap metal processing facility with a Heavy Duty Shredder capable of shredding whole automobiles, farm machinery, furnaces, hot water tanks, appliances and other scrap steel. The facility shreds and magnetically separates steel from non-ferrous materials to create a product which is the superior feedstock in steel mill melt shops.
  • Metal - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services

General Recycling Industries Ltd.

Edmonton, AB
Scrap metals recycling facility serving consumers nationally and internationally.
  • Metal - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services

Geocycle Canada

Calgary, AB
Geocycle Canada is a part of the global Geocycle network. They employ the technology of co- processing which offers an environmentally friendly solution for handling waste and conserves scarce resources, reduces emissions and cuts CO2 emissions from waste while leaving zero residue. They operate facilities in British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia.
  • Waste to Energy

GFL Environmental Inc.

Stettler, AB
Glycol and antifreeze recycling facility that offers a full line of trusted, quality recycled products. Providing on line filtration of glycols and solvents to a variety of industries to prolong the life span of glycols. From automotive antifreeze to belt wetting, dehy and pipelines to agricultural needs - we do it all.
  • Antifreeze & Glycol - Collection
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Collection Services
  • Antifreeze & Glycol - Processing

GFL Environmental Inc.

Edmonton, AB
GFL Environmental is an industry leader in western and central Canada in the collection, management, transportation, recycling and disposal of liquid industrial and commercial wastes including; lubricants, gear oil, engine oil, transformer oil and light fuels. GFL Environmental also collects and manages waste glycol, solvents, sorbents, sludges, oily water, gun wash, oil filters and oil related plastics.
  • Aerosol - Processing
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Paint - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Collection Services
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Processing
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services


Edmonton, AB
  • Consulting Services

Glover International Trucks Ltd.

Red Deer, AB
Glover International Trucks Group of 6 International dealerships across central and southern Alberta
  • Equipment - Collection

Goodwill Industries of Alberta

Edmonton, AB
Goodwill Industries' mission is to change the lives of people with disabilities and disadvantages by turning household donations and other resources into training and jobs
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Textiles - Processing

Government of the Northwest Territories

Yellowknife, NT
The Environment Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources with the Government of the Northwest Territories is responsible for the management of hazardous substances and waste, waste reduction and recovery programs, air quality, climate change, energy awareness/alternatives, and environmental assessment for mining and oil and gas projects.
  • Government

Green Action Centre

Winnipeg, MB
Green Action Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental hub for greener living based in Winnipeg, serving Manitoba. They are a registered charity, governed by an elected community board. They promote greener living through environmental education and encourage practical green solutions for homeowners, workplaces, schools and communities. You may have met them as Resource Conservation Manitoba before they changed their name in September 2010.
  • Environmental Associations

Green City Waste Management

Edmonton, AB
Green City Waste Management is a dedicated waste management organization focused on promoting sustainable practices within urban environments.
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services

GreenSpace Waste Solutions

Brantford, ON
GreenSpace Waste Solutions are waste consultants and waste managers for businesses at a national level. They reformulate companies' waste and recycling programs to streamline their efforts and maximize how they can use recycled materials. GreenSpace's programs claim to have significantly reduced waste management costs for their clients, while increasing waste diversion - with no consulting fees.
  • Consulting Services

H & G Manufacturing and Services

Edmonton, AB
H&G Manufacturing and Services provides consultancy in governance, focusing on project management and sustainability.
  • Consulting Services

Habitat for Humanity Edmonton

Edmonton, AB
Through their social enterprise ReStore Habitat for Humanity Edmonton funds their organization's mission of providing families access to affordable home ownership, while also promoting the upcycling and diversion of building materials, furniture and home décor, and other items from ending up in landfills.
  • Construction - Building Materials
  • Waste Reduction Associations
  • Retail Consumer Outlets

Harvest Recycling

Calgary, AB
Founded in 2010, Harvest Recycling's services cater to a broad range of
organizational waste management needs, from initial waste collection to the final processing stage.
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services

Haul-All Equipment Ltd.

Lethbridge, AB
Manufacturer of containers, collection vehicles & transfer equipment for solid waste management and recycling.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Equipment - Processing
  • Financial Services

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada

Mississauga, ON
HRAI is a national non-profit trade association, representing members from all levels of the HVACR industry supply chain (manufacturers, wholesalers, and contractors). HRAI advocates a safe, responsible and fair industry where indoor environment systems and refrigeration processes are designed, installed and serviced by qualified professionals in order to ensure efficient and energy-conscious operation.
  • Industry - Associations

Highway 43 East Waste Commission

Sangudo, AB
Regional waste management services commission working jointly with Alberta Beach, Mayerthorpe, Sangudo, Onoway and twelve Summer Villages in a regional cost-shared recycling program.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

Hitech Recyclers

Edmonton, AB
Hitech Recyclers is an electronics recycling company located in Edmonton
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Industrial Compaction Services

Sturgeon County, AB
Industrial Compaction Services provides compactor and baler sales, service and installations all over Alberta.
  • Equipment - Processing

Inland Steel Products

Saskatoon, SK
Canadian family owned and operated for over 55 years serving the Prairies.
  • Metal - Processing

Integrity Waste Solutions

Edmonton, AB
Integrity Waste Solutions is an integrated waste, organics, and recycling service provider in the Capital Region. They value partnerships with local businesses to prioritize custom service delivery to their needs. Integrity is 100% Alberta owned and operated.
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Organics - Collection

IPL North America Inc.

St-Damien, QC
IPL is a leading North American manufacturer of molded plastic products through injection.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Manufacturing


Calgary, AB
Engineering Consulting Firm
  • Consulting Services

K&K Prairie Recycling Services

Camrose, AB
Servicing all scrap metal needs from site clean-ups to on-site demolition and dismantling work. K&K process, broker, market and transport both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. They are a highly mobile operation that provides service throughout Alberta and Western Canada.
  • Metal - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services

KBL Environmental Ltd.

Leduc, AB
Founded in 2006, KBL Environmental Ltd. is a privately owned and operated business providing waste management services and systems to support government, mining, exploration, oil & gas, industrial and commercial sectors throughout Canada’s western provinces and northern Territories. Their core business is the provision of liability management associated with non-hazardous and hazardous waste management as well as abatement, demolition and remediation of contaminated sites.
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Waste Collection
  • Metal - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Construction - Processing
  • Wood - Processing
  • Drywall - Processing
  • Construction - Concrete Collection
  • Wood - Chips

Kernic Systems Inc.

Burlington, ON
Kernic Systems is a recycling systems integrator that sells and integrates balers, shredders, air conveying systems, and dust collectors. With over 40 years of experience and their OneSource for Simplicity approach to system design and install, Kernic offers the complete package for all of your recycling system needs. From the smallest retail location, to the largest corrugated box plant, Kernic has the experience and high quality array of products to support your recycling needs.
  • Equipment - Processing

Leduc & District Regional Waste Management Commission

Leduc, AB
Leduc & District Regional Waste Management Commission is comprised of five municipalities (Town of Calmar, Town of Devon, City of Beaumont, Leduc County and the City of Leduc). Focus on waste reduction, recycling and resource conservation.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

Leduc County

Nisku, AB
  • Recycling - Community Programs

London Drugs

Richmond, BC
London Drugs is a Western Canadian retailer that sells general goods in addition to the following departments: Cosmetics, TECH, Photo Lab, and Pharmacy. They have an extensive return-to-retail recycling program. For any questions, please visit: https://www.londondrugs.com/contact-us/
  • Retail Consumer Outlets

Long Lake Regional Waste Management Services Commission

Grimshaw, AB
Long Lake Regional Waste Management Services Commission is made up of the municipalities of the Town of Grimshaw, Village of Berwyn, Town of Manning, the Municipal District of Peace No. 135 and the County of Northern Lights. Long Lake RWMSC operates one landfill and eight transfer stations.
  • Waste Collection
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

LT3 Advanced Technology Group

Calgary, AB
LT3 Advanced Technology Group is a team of engineers with expertise in software development, specializing in used beverage container management since 2011. We have worked with stewards, private businesses, and public organizations in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Quebec, and Australia.
  • Beverage Containers - Processing

Machinex Industries Inc.

Plessisville, QC
Machinex is an industry leader in engineering, manufacturing, and installing Material Recovery Facilities all around the world. As an expert in sorting technologies, Machinex provides turnkey systems, along with custom-built and flexible solutions. Furthermore, the company offers a full range of high quality recycling equipment manufactured in-house, such as optical sorters, sorting robots, full range of screen separators, balers and more.
  • Equipment - Processing

MCA Environmental Management

Bluffton, AB
MCA Environmental Management is a Canadian Company based in Alberta and has been providing waste management advice and assistance to Indigenous communities since 2001. MCA completes waste management plans, environmental assessments and waste reduction strategies for a wide range of clients.
  • Consulting Services

Merlin Plastics

Delta, BC
Committed organization for sustainable plastics recycling in Western Canada.
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin

Molok North America Ltd.

Mount Forest, ON
Manufacturing and sales of semi-underground MOLOK® Deep-Collection™ containers.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Manufacturing

Morrison Hershfield now Stantec

Edmonton, AB
Morrison Hershfield is an employee-owned engineering firm contributing to the social wellbeing and economic prosperity of the communities it serves.
  • Consulting Services

Mountain View Regional Waste Management Commission

Didsbury, AB
MVRWMC provides an integrated waste management service and education program to Mountain View County. Promotion encourages recycling first, with landfilling as secondary treatment to residuals.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Landfills

MTT Recycling Technologies Ltd.

Nisku, AB
MTT Recycling Technologies Ltd. is a spent catalyst recycler located in Nisku. They serve refineries in North America and engage in metal reclamation through secondary mining, using state-of-the-art hydrometallurgical technology.
  • Metal - Processing

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc.

Winnipeg, MB

Founded in 2010, Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc. (MMSM) is the not-for-profit, industry-funded organization that funds and provides support for the province’s residential recycling programs for packaging and printed paper.

  • Industry - Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc.

Winnipeg, MB
Founded in 2010, Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc. (MMSM) is the not-for-profit, industry-funded organization that funds and provides support for the province’s residential recycling programs for packaging and printed paper.
  • Industry - Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Municipal Waste Association

Guelph, ON
The Municipal Waste Association is a non-profit organization of Canadian municipal waste management professionals sharing 3Rs ideas and experiences.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

National Stewardship Action Council

NSAC is an advocacy association that advocates for a circular economy. They do advocacy, education, policy development and lobbying, program implementation and can work as contractors on projects as well.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Nespresso Canada

Toronto, ON
Nestlé Nespresso SA is the pioneer and reference for highest-quality portioned coffee.  The company works with more than 120,000 farmers in 15 countries through its AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program to embed sustainability practices on farms and the surrounding landscapes.  Launched in 2003 in collaboration with the NGO Rainforest Alliance, the program helps to improve the yield and quality of harvests, ensuring a sustainable supply of high-quality coffee and improving livelihoods of farmers and their communities.
  • Beverages

Newell Recycling Association

Brooks, AB
Non-profit association which operates the community recycling depot.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Nothing But Tires

Edmonton, AB
Nothing But Tires (NBT) deals primarily in the sale of good used tires and focuses on the reuse of tires that would otherwise be recycled. NBT is focused on developing stringent inspection processes as well as a trusted customer service experience. All products are inspected thoroughly for safe reuse, and a lengthy warranty period is provided to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Tires

NOVA Chemicals Corporation

Calgary, AB
Major Canadian Resin Manufacturer and Supplier of Post-Consumer Resins (PCR)
  • Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin

Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd.

Castor, AB
Paintearth Regional Waste Management Ltd. is owned and operated by the County of Paintearth No. 18, Town of Castor, Town of Coronation, and the Village of Halkirk. They operate and manage three transfer stations which includes recycling of metal, tires, paint, electronics, and general purpose household materials. They also handle waste which is transferred to landfill.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council

Brampton, ON
PPEC represents over 90% of the Canadian paper packaging industry on environmental issues. The council was founded by four separate sectors of the industry (packaging mills and converters) back in 1990, allowing them to work together and speak with one voice rather than several. Its Board of Directors is representative of the four different sectors and the council operates on a consensus basis.
  • Industry - Associations

Parkland County

Parkland County, AB
Municipality west of Edmonton
  • Recycling - Community Programs


Calgary, AB
PlasCred is a plastic recycling company focusing on taking all mixed waste plastics and converting them into a hydrocarbon liquid.
  • Waste to Energy

Policy Integrity Inc.

Hamilton, ON
Policy Integrity Inc. is a specialized environmental consultancy that focuses on research, data management and assessment, policy development and evaluation, and planning. Since its inception, Policy Integrity Inc. has played a key role in helping to progress work on circular economy across the country including major projects related producer responsibility, disposal bans, organic waste diversion, recycling, excess soil management, and single-use plastics.
  • Consulting Services

Prairie Disposal Ltd.

Grande Prairie, AB
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Confidential Shredding
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Paper - Collection Services

Product Care Association

Vancouver, BC
Product Care Association (PCA) leads successful waste diversion programs across Canada and in the United States. They manage stewardship programs in BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador, PEI, and Washington State. Programs include paint, household hazardous waste materials (pesticides, flammable liquids and solvents), lighting products, and smoke & CO alarms.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Product Stewardship Institute

Boston, MA
The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) is a membership-based non-profit committed to reducing the health, safety, and environmental impacts of consumer products with a strong focus on sustainable end-of-life management. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, PSI takes a product stewardship approach to solving waste management problems by encouraging product design changes and mediating stakeholder dialogues. With 47 state agency members, hundreds of local government members, and 110 corporate, academic, non-U.S. government, and organizational partners, they design, implement, and evaluate legislative and voluntary initiatives across North America.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Quantum Lifecycle Partners LP

Edmonton, AB
Quantum Lifecycle Partners is Canada’s largest electronics recycler with 8 facilities in 4 Provinces including two in Alberta (Calgary and Edmonton). They employ over 100 Albertans to keep electronics from landfill while ensuring maximized value recovery.
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Raven Recycling Society

Whitehorse, YK
Raven Recycling is a non-profit society committed to diverting waste from Yukon landfills.
  • Glass - Products
  • Organics - Processing
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Beverage Containers - Depots

ReBound ReCycle Inc.

Calgary, AB
ReCycle picks up old carpet underlay / underpad / pad from Flooring stores and some landfills and gets it recycled into new underlay. They work with businesses and waste management sites to divert Flexible Polyurethane Foam (FPF) to recycling facilities and keep it out of the landfills.
  • Carpet - Processing

Reclay StewardEdge Inc.

Winnipeg, MB
Reclay StewardEdge Inc (RSE) is part of the Reclay Group, with offices in Canada and the United States, maintaining a strong presence in North and South America, and across Europe. Their experience and expertise in the development of sustainability and resource management best practices is the foundation for their suite of comprehensive services.
  • Consulting Services

Recon Metal Ltd.

Calgary, AB
Recon Metal Ltd. is conveniently located in Central Calgary. They are committed to providing efficient and environmentally sound solutions for the recycling industry of Calgary.
  • Metal - Processing

Recycle Plus

Grande Prairie, AB
Non-profit organization operating two bottle depots.
  • Beverage Containers - Depots

Recycling Council of Alberta

Calgary, AB
The Recycling Council of Alberta is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with the mission to promote and facilitate waste reduction, recycling and resource conservation in the Province of Alberta.
  • Environmental Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Recycling Council of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC
A multi-sectoral non-profit organization working towards waste avoidance. RCBC supports waste management solutions by conducting research, facilitating the exchange of ideas and providing information services.
  • Environmental Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Recycling Environmental Action Planning Society (REAPS)

Prince George, BC
REAPS is a non-profit society which was formed in 1989. The purpose of the Society is to help foster environmental stewardship within the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. The society is operated by an executive which oversees special events, educational initiatives, public relations and other programs to increase awareness of waste reduction opportunities and environmental issues that exist within our community.
  • Education / Awareness
  • Environmental Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations
  • Organics - Backyard Composters

Recycling Product News

Vancouver, BC
Recycling Product News provides daily coverage of industry news, trends, equipment and technologies for the North American recycling industry. With nearly 30 years of history, Recycling Product News is the highest circulated recycling and waste diversion magazine in the Canadian market. They offer an extensive range of marketing solutions and services, engaging audiences through print, website, eNewsletter and social channels. With a deep knowledge of the recycling industry and extensive marketing capabilities they assist manufacturers, distributors and organizations looking to market their products & services in Canada & the United States.
  • Publications

Recycling Worx Solutions Inc.

Rocky View County, AB
Recycling Worx Inc. was established in 1996 as an environmental, waste and recycling facility. 
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services
  • Waste Collection

ReDu Waste Ltd.

Lacombe, AB
Redu Waste Ltd. is the Western Provinces distributor for the patented GAIA Food Waste Dehydrators.
  • Equipment - Processing

Regional Environmental Action Committee

Slave Lake, AB
REAC began Northern Alberta's first rural recycling program in 1988. Incorporated in 1992, and registered as a charitable organization in 2006, REAC continues to advocate for best practices in waste management for rural, remote, and Indigenous communities.
  • Education / Awareness
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Fort McMurray, AB
Regional government for communities of Fort MacKay, Fort McMurray, Anzac, Conklin, Mariana Lake, Fort Chipewyan
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Renue Recycling Ltd.

Calgary, AB
Renue Recycling is a post-consumer paint management and paint recycling company, endeavoring to "rescue" paint from incineration. Collected paint is bulked, filtered and re-blended, and finally re-packaged for sale to the public.
  • Paint - Processing
  • Paint - Collection Services
  • Paint - Products

Resource Recycling

Portland, OR
Resource Recycling is North America's premier recycling magazine. This monthly journal focuses on trends & developments in recycling & composting in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Publications

Retail Council of Canada (RCC)

Winnipeg, MB
Retail Council of Canada (RCC) members represent more than two thirds of retail sales in the country. RCC is a not-for-profit, industry-funded association that represents small, medium and large retail businesses in every community across the country. As the Voice of Retail(TM) in Canada, they proudly represent more than 45,000 storefronts in all retail formats, including department, grocery, specialty, discount, independent retailers and online merchants.
  • Industry - Associations

ReThink Red Deer

Red Deer, AB
The Sustainable Red Deer Society (operating as ReThink Red Deer) is dedicated to enhancing the long term quality of life in Red Deer and surrounding area. This group seeks out and shares ideas that inspire citizens to make and create sustainable consumer choices - global in awareness, local in application. Members believe that we are citizens first and consumers second; that our world is finite and borrowed from future generations; that we can live sustainably and in harmony with nature; and that inspiration is a renewable resource.
  • Consulting Services
  • Education / Awareness
  • Environmental Associations
  • Retail Consumer Outlets
  • Organics - Backyard Composters

Reverse Logistics Group (RLG)

Toronto, ON
The Reverse Logistics Group (RLG) is a tech-enabled and asset-light organization with a highly scalable platform connecting all stakeholders within the reverse logistics value chain. RLG addresses global challenges in product and material returns through technology to generate value from product returns and ensure regulatory compliance on a global scale.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Richmond Steel Recycling Ltd.

Richmond, BC
With four locations serving Western Canada, Alberta, Alaska and Washington State for over 45 years, Richmond Steel Recycling LTD. Is proud to offer complete metal recycling expertise. From the lower mainland to the interior to Northern BC, each of our locations offers a range of services.
  • Metal - Processing

Ridge Meadows Recycling Society

Maple Ridge, BC
Ridge Meadows Recycling Society is a community-based non-profit organization, that advocates zero waste, operates responsible waste reduction services and provides environmental education. They employ people with developmental disabilities to work on-site, thereby assisting their integration into the community.
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services

Robust Recycling Ltd.

Coquitlam, BC
Robust Recycling focuses on maximizing material recovery, reducing environmental impact, and encouraging material reuse in the circular economy. The company is committed to advancing recycling technologies and establishing collaborative partnerships to enhance waste management practices, especially in the Canadian healthcare system.
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services

S-Cubed Environmental

Calgary, AB
A waste management consultant passionate and enthusiastic about waste reduction initiatives. Stacey helps clients design waste and recycling educational tools, conduct waste composition studies for residential and IC&I sectors, and engage with stakeholders to get the information needed to make a positive impact.
  • Consulting Services
  • Waste Audits

Saddle Hills County

Spirit River, AB
Saddle Hills County is situated in the Central Peace Region of north-western Alberta and has a population of 2288. The county has 4 transfer stations and is in the process of building a landfill.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

SAIT Polytechnic

Calgary, AB
SAIT Polytechnic is an innovative and entrepreneurial post-secondary institution, distinct from universities and colleges in that it offers a skill-focused approach to learning. From apprenticeships to baccalaureate degrees, SAIT offers a range of credentials in diverse program areas focused on experience-oriented training. SAIT is a member of Polytechnics Canada, a national alliance of leading research-intensive, publicly-funded colleges and institutes of technology dedicated to helping colleges and industry create high-quality jobs for the future.
  • Educational Institutions

SARCAN Recycling

Saskatoon, SK
Non-profit association.
  • Beverage Containers - Processing
  • Beverage Containers - Depots

Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council

Saskatoon, SK
Non-Profit Organization dedicated to promoting waste reduction in Saskatchewan
  • Environmental Associations
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Savvy Sustainability Inc.

Montreal, QC
Savvy Sustainability Inc. is a consultancy that's focused on helping organizations operationalize sustainability. It leverages over 10 years of multi-sectoral experience executing strategies, projects, and programs to mitigate negative environmental and social impacts. Service areas include: strategy & programs, operations, stakeholder engagement, and communications & education.
  • Consulting Services

Shanked Computer Recycling Inc.

Acheson, AB
Shanked Computer Recycling Inc. is a Registered Processor under the Alberta Recycling eWaste program. Based in Acheson, Shanked Computer Recycling Inc. is a made-in-Alberta solution to the growing eWaste problem with collection sites all over the province.
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing

Skyline Bio-En

Guelph, ON
Skyline Bio-En owns, develops, and operates anaerobic digestion facilities focused on producing clean and renewable energy sources driving Canada in a positive direction towards its net zero emissions goal by 2050.
  • Waste to Energy
  • Organics - Processing

sonnevera international corp.

Bluffton, AB
Professional waste minimization consultant providing comprehensive, hands-on service.
  • Consulting Services
  • Waste Audits

Strathcona County

Sherwood Park, AB
Strathcona County offers a full range of residential waste management services for roadside waste, organics and recycling collection available for both urban and rural residents.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Styro-Go Canada Inc.

Calgary, AB
Styro-Go is a unique Canadian business based in Alberta that provides cost effective polystyrene (styrofoam) and related type plastics recycling on a mobile platform across Western Canada.
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Processing

Sustainable Generation

St. Petersburg, FL
Providing the most ADVANCED COMPOSTING Technology available for all feedstock types, Sustainable Generation helps reduce the cost and complexity of composting operations while meeting environmental compliance. In successful operation globally since 1998, and with over 400 installations worldwide, their system accelerates the natural composting process and makes what is right for the environment and the economy.
  • Organics - Processing

Tetra Tech Canada Inc.

Edmonton, AB
Tetra Tech is a values-based consulting engineering and sciences company that has been in business for 50 years, with over 14,000 engineers, geologists, scientists, biologists, ecologists, and environmental professionals (over 3,000 of whom are located in Canada).
  • Consulting Services

The Compost Council of Canada

Toronto, ON
Non-profit, member-driven organization for advancement and advocacy of composting and compost usage.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

Lake Louise, AB
Nestled in Alberta's Banff National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is renowned for its environmental stewardship and responsible tourism. Surrounded by mountain peaks, Victoria Glacier, and an emerald lake, protecting this iconic landscape is integral to the hotel's identity. The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise integrates environmental programs into its operations and was the first major Canadian hotel to earn a 5 Green Key Rating from Green Key Global in 2005. The hotel has consistently renewed this certification, showcasing its commitment to environmental excellence.
  • Hotels

The Mother Earth Inc.

Edmonton, AB
The Mother Earth has a solution to converting waste plastic into useful, commercial and consumer products
  • Plastic - Processing

The Salvation Army NRO

Oakville, ON
National Recycling Operations' (NRO) role, within the context of The Salvation Army, is both to generate funds to help The Salvation Army achieve its mission, and to influence positively the communities in which they operate.
  • Textiles - Processing
  • Textiles - Collection

Tomra Canada Inc.

Baie d'Urfé, QC
Worldwide organization providing automated recycling solutions.
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Beverage Containers - Processing

Toter LLC / Wastequip

Statesville, NC
Toter products are manufactured with a patented, stress-free molding technology known as Advanced Rotational Molding™ - a process that results in tougher, more durable products that last for 15 to 20+ years. Exceptionally long service life, combined with one of the lowest warranty claim rates in the industry, have earned Toter the reputation as the The World's Toughest Carts™.
  • Equipment - Collection

Town of Banff

Banff, AB
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Calmar

Calmar, AB
Municipal Corporation, population 2,104. Town of Calmar is located 25 minutes southwest of the City of Edmonton. Calmar has well designed neighbourhoods and offers exceptional recreational facilities and parks. Calmar has a well rounded mix of commercial and industrial businesses.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Canmore

Canmore, AB
Municipality - Population 12,000.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Devon

Devon, AB
Municipal Government
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Rimbey

Rimbey, AB
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Swan Hills

Swan Hills, AB
The Town of Swan Hills is a northern community with a population of 1,301. Although small, the community strives to make a difference and minimize their environmental footprint.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Taber

Taber, AB
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Town of Westlock

Westlock, AB
The Town of Westlock may be just under 5000 in population, however, has a diverse economy, excellent transportation connections, and a highly evolved technological infrastructure. Urban amenities and small-town lifestyle have attracted a well-educated and skilled workforce. Westlock is located just north of Edmonton, and offers quick and easy access to major markets and transportation routes.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

TruGreen Metal Recycling

Olds, AB
Mobile Scrap Metal Recycler serving across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Western Manitoba
  • Metal - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services

Two Wheel View

Calgary, AB
Two Wheel View is a values-based non-profit that serves the youth of Calgary. They use bicycles and bike maintenance education to teach life and employability skills that will have a lasting impact on their participants. Bikes are just the medium. They also run a social enterprise where they sell used bikes donated to them and recycle bicycles for the Calgary community.
  • Bicycle - Recycling/Reuse

Varme Energy Inc.

Edmonton, AB
Varme Energy is a waste to energy project developer based out of Edmonton. Building the first Waste to Energy project in the industrial heartland that is planned to be operational in 2027.
  • Waste to Energy

Veolia North America - Canada

Edmonton, AB
For more than 170 years, Veolia has been by the side of cities, industries and communities to help them manage, recycle and protect their critical resources in the face of environmental challenges.
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Organics - Processing

Viably LLC

Denver, CO
Viably (formerly Komptech Americas) is the North American master distributor of Komptech equipment and Harp Renewables food waste biodigesters and the exclusive U.S. distributor of Scott Equipment Company's food waste depackaging and drywall recycling systems. Viably's specialized product portfolio comprises over 40 machine types engineered to tackle the toughest challenges of Construction and Demolition (C&D), Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Single-Stream Recycling, and Organic Waste streams. They empower their clients with new capabilities to help them evolve their business and protect our planet.
  • Equipment - Processing

Vinette Salvage

Fort Macleod, AB
Vinette Salvage is a mobile scrap processing company that services all areas of Alberta and provides baling, shearing and transportation services for all types of metals from landfills and transfer stations.
  • Metal - Processing

Vitreous Glass Inc.

Airdrie, AB
Vitreous Glass Inc. accepts post consumer / industrial glass and processes it into cullet for use in the fibreglass insulation industry.
  • Glass - Processing
  • Glass - Products

Waste Connections of Canada

Edmonton, AB
Waste Connections of Canada operates throughout Alberta; recycling, organics, and waste collection services. Their infrastructure network includes material recycling facilities, Landfills and Transfer Stations. Their MRF facilitates commercial and industry recycling programs as well as various community recycling programs.
  • Glass - Collection Services
  • Organics - Collection
  • Waste Audits
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Waste Collection
  • Equipment - Processing
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Collection Services

Waste Free Edmonton

Edmonton, AB
Waste Free Edmonton is a grassroots, non-profit organization working to significantly reduce the amount of waste created in Edmonton by stopping it at the source. That means producing and consuming less at the front-end, and reusing and repurposing items wherever possible.
  • Waste Reduction Associations

Waste Logic Inc.

Edmonton, AB
Waste and sustainability consulting firm, operating coast to coast in Canada.
  • Consulting Services

Waste Management of Canada Corp.

Calgary, AB
WM is North America's leading provider of comprehensive environmental solutions. With innovative infrastructure and capabilities in recycling, organics and renewable energy, WM provides environmental solutions to and collaborates with its customers to help them achieve their sustainability goals.
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Landfills
  • Organics - Processing
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Waste Collection
  • Paper - Collection Services

Wavor Wire Ltd.

Coquitlam, BC
Canadian manufacturer of baling wire and bale ties since 1996, specializes in custom lengths and distributes across Canada
  • Equipment - Processing
  • Packaging

Wealth of Flows Consulting Ltd.

Calgary, AB
Wealth of Flows Consulting Ltd. is a small consultancy focusing on waste management, recycling, and the circular economy. They work with local and national governments, private companies, and NGOs in Canada and around the world. Built on two decades of relevant experience, Wealth of Flows' service portfolio stretches from strategy development to stakeholder management and engagement; covers supply as well as procurement; and addresses technical questions, policy analysis, and citizen/consumer communication.
  • Consulting Services

Westlock Regional Waste Management Commission

Westlock, AB
Westlock RWMSC operates the regional waste management facility that includes a transfer station, recycle facility, and landfill. They have expanded their recycling activities to include a baler for plastic, paper, tin, and cardboard, and are currently expanding their building to include a plastics granulator. Transfer station includes bins for waste, areas for paint, used oil, electronics, tires, metal, propane bottles, chemical containers and appliances. They also have a Class III compost pad on site.
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Westvac Industrial Ltd.

Acheson, AB
Westvac Industrial Ltd. is based in Calgary & Acheson, AB.
  • Equipment - Collection

Wheatland County

Strathmore, AB
Rural municipality
  • Recycling - Community Programs

Winfibre (U.S.) Incorporated

Chino, CA
WinFibre (U.S.) Incorporated is the exclusive buying agent in North America and Central America for Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Limited, a publicly traded company in Hong Kong. As a California corporation with Headquarters in the Los Angeles metro area, WinFibre has been consistently among the top exporters of wastepaper from the United States to Southeast Asia.
  • Paper - Processing

Women In Need Society (WINS)

Calgary, AB
Women in Need Society (WINS) is a registered charity. We work with women and their families. Our vision is to give women the resources, knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve self-sufficiency.
  • Education / Awareness

Youth en Route

Calgary, AB
Youth en Route's mission is empowering youth to be healthy and resilient through using a bicycle to reach everyday destinations.
  • Bicycle - Recycling/Reuse

ZRow Recycling Systems Inc

Surrey, BC
Design, Manufacture, Install and Service Equipment for the recycling industry
  • Equipment - Processing
  • Aerosol - Processing
  • Antifreeze & Glycol - Collection
  • Antifreeze & Glycol - Processing
  • Batteries - Processing
  • Beverage Containers - Depots
  • Beverage Containers - Processing
  • Beverages
  • Bicycle - Recycling/Reuse
  • Carpet - Processing
  • Cleaning Services
  • Compostable Products
  • Confidential Shredding
  • Construction - Building Materials
  • Construction - Concrete Collection
  • Construction - Demolition / Renovation Services
  • Construction - Processing
  • Construction - Waste Collection
  • Consulting Services
  • Consumer Products
  • Drywall - Collection
  • Drywall - Processing
  • Education / Awareness
  • Educational Institutions
  • Electronics - Collection / Processing
  • Environmental Associations
  • Equipment - Collection
  • Equipment - Processing
  • Financial Services
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Collection
  • Fluorescent Lamps - Processing
  • Food
  • Furniture - Reuse
  • Glass - Collection Services
  • Glass - Processing
  • Glass - Products
  • Government
  • Hazardous Waste Services
  • Hotels
  • Industry - Associations
  • Insurance Services
  • Landfills
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Mattresses - Processing
  • Metal - Collection Services
  • Metal - Processing
  • Municipal Associations
  • Office Supplies & Equipment
  • Oil & Gas
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Collection Services
  • Oil / Oil Filters & Containers - Processing
  • Organics - Backyard Composters
  • Organics - Collection
  • Organics - Processing
  • Packaging
  • Paint - Collection Services
  • Paint - Processing
  • Paint - Products
  • Painting Services
  • Paper - Collection Services
  • Paper - Processing
  • Plastic - Collection Services
  • Plastic - Plastic Flake / Resin
  • Plastic - Processing
  • Producer Responsibility Services
  • Propane Cylinders - Processing
  • Property Management
  • Publications
  • Recycling - Commercial Collection Services
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Recycling - Curbside Collection Services
  • Rendering
  • Retail Consumer Outlets
  • Rubber - Collection Services
  • Rubber - Processing
  • Rubber - Shred / Crumb
  • Soil Reclamation
  • Textiles - Collection
  • Textiles - Processing
  • Tires
  • Utilities
  • Waste Audits
  • Waste Collection
  • Waste Reduction Associations
  • Waste to Energy
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Wood - Chips
  • Wood - Collection Services
  • Wood - Processing