Goodwill Industries of Alberta

  • Contact Name:

    Mortimer Capriles
  • Job Title:

    Director, Sustainability and Innovation
  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number:

    (780) 944-0242 Ext. 80801
  • Fax:

    (780) 463-7396
  • Website:
  • Address:

    11415 - 168 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T5M 3S1
  • Recycling - Community Programs
  • Textiles - Processing


Goodwill Industries' mission is to change the lives of people with disabilities and disadvantages by turning household donations and other resources into training and jobs

Services Offered

Providing employment to people that have various barriers to employment. Offering contract services such as piece work, mail preparation, wiping rags and wire work to customers.

Products Sold

Soft toys, hard toys, pots & pans, shoes, belts, bags, purses, books, cardboard, textile and wiping rags.