Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada

  • Contact Name:

    Kathleen O'Malley
  • Job Title:

    Manager, Environmental Services
  • Email Address:

  • Phone Number:

    (905) 602-4700 Ext. 240
  • Alternative Number:

  • Website:

  • Address:

    2680 Matheson Blvd. E., #100, Mississauga, ON, L4W 0A5
  • Industry - Associations


HRAI is a national non-profit trade association, representing members from all levels of the HVACR industry supply chain (manufacturers, wholesalers, and contractors). HRAI advocates a safe, responsible and fair industry where indoor environment systems and refrigeration processes are designed, installed and serviced by qualified professionals in order to ensure efficient and energy-conscious operation.

Services Offered

The association’s activities are directly related to the needs and requests of its membership and include education and training programs, industry meetings, up-to-date industry information, technical support, government and industry advocacy, statistics and trends, and a bi-ennial national trade show.