- Consulting Services
- Education / Awareness
- Waste Audits
NISP Canada is a pilot of a national industrial symbiosis initiative. Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is based on a re-thinking of "waste". One entity's waste has been shown in many jurisdictions to be of value as another business's input. The redirection and repurposing of waste through IS can result in reduced waste volumes, improved resource efficiency, new lines of business, reduced transportation and disposal costs, reduced emissions, and other benefits. NISP Canada is a program run out of Vancouver's Light House Sustainability Society.
Services Offered
Over the past decade, industrial symbiosis (IS) has successfully delivered significant environmental, economic and social benefits in 30 nations around the globe, including the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, South Africa, China, Brazil, and Australia. NISP Canada's two pilot regions were Greater Edmonton and Metro Vancouver. They have also expanded into BC's West Kootenay Region and into Washington State.