Pine Grove and Edson Recycle Strive for Zero Classroom Waste
Last spring, Pine Grove school in Edson, AB, sorted their trash and found that 94% of it could be recycled or composted. Now organics and recycling bins will be installed in the school.
The waste audit was conducted by Edson and District Recycling Society (EDRS) staff and student volunteers. One week’s worth of waste was sorted into five categories: organic waste (66%), recyclable waste (23%), reusable waste (5%), and garbage (6%).
With funding assistance, organized by the EDRS, Pine Grove installed additional recycling and organics receptacles in the hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and atrium. The waste hauler GFL has been contracted to collect the organics materials for composting though a pilot program.
A follow-up waste audit is planned for June 2019 to determine the success of the program.
Source: Edson and District Recycling Society