Savers® Family of Thrift Stores to Phase Out Plastic Bags

Connector Fall 2018

The Savers® family of thrift stores (Savers®, Value Village™, Village des Valeurs® and Unique®) announced the decision to phase out plastic bags from stores across the United States and Canada by the end of 2018. In place of the plastic bags, shoppers are encouraged to use reusable totes or paper bags at all stores.

“For the last 60 years, the Savers® family of thrift stores has been committed to reducing North America’s clothing footprint by extending the life of garments,” commented Tony Shumpert, vice president of Recycling and Reuse at Savers®. “The decision to phase out plastic bags from our stores was a natural next step in our journey to improving our communities and our planet.”

“Our commitment to Rethink Reuse goes beyond just clothing and home goods. Every choice we make can make a big environmental difference,” said Shumpert. “The reality is that much like the environmental impact of the clothing and textile industry, the impact that plastic bags have on our planet is staggering – it’s up to all of us to be environmentally conscious in our day-to-day lives and business practices.”

To learn more about the Savers Rethink Reuse® initiative, visit

Source: Savers / Press release