2011 Proceedings – Recycling Means Business

Electronic proceedings sponsored by Alberta Used Oil Management Association.AUOMA logo
All presentations are in Adobe PDF format. Adobe Reader 8 or later is required to view the files – download for free at www.adobe.com.

Proceedings by Speaker

Wednesday, October 5

Join colleagues and new friends at The Legends Golf and Country Club, one of Edmonton’s finest full-facility 27-hole golf courses. Offering everything the serious golfer expects, this picturesque course features large, beautiful ponds, gently rolling hills, and elevated tees and combines spectacular views of the North Saskatchewan River valley with a tranquil setting to provide the golfer with an exciting and enjoyable golf experience.
Sponsored by Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation
9:00 am Conference Registration / Welcoming Refreshments
Sponsored by City of Calgary

Exhibitor Set-up
(throughout the morning and afternoon)
Edmonton Waste Management Centre Integrated Waste Management Facility

Light lunch included.
This seminar will set the stage for the Advanced Energy Research Facility Tour, providing background on the latest additions to the Edmonton Waste Management Centre, and future innovation being planned for the Centre.
Moderator: Dave Schwass (APRA)

Tours leave directly after the seminar.
Co-Presented by Edmonton Waste Management Center of Excellence
Sponsored by Canadian Plastics Industry Association, Alberta Plastics Recycling Association and American Chemistry Council

12:30 pm TOURS:
Edmonton Waste Management Centre
The Edmonton Waste Management Centre (EWMC) is North America’s largest collection of leading-edge waste processing and research facilities. Choose either Tour A or Tour B below.
Sponsored by Canadian Plastics Industry Association, Alberta Plastics Recycling Association and American Chemistry Council
Tour A: Advanced Energy Research Facility
This tour builds on the pre-tour seminar to provide a detailed look at the Advanced Energy Research Facility, which includes the new Integrated Processing and Transfer Facility, as well as the Waste-to-Biofuels Facility, which is currently under construction.
Tour B: Overview of Edmonton Waste Management Centre
This tour will include high-level highlights of the Centre, including the Materials Recovery Facility, Edmonton Composting Facility, Construction and Demolition Recycling Operation, and Waste-to-Biofuels Facility.
Ambleside Eco Station and Reuse Store, lead by Trent Tompkins (City of Edmonton)
Visit Edmonton’s newest Eco Station, where residents can bring almost any waste material for recycling or safe disposal, including household hazardous waste, fluorescent tubes, electronics and electrical appliances, bulky items and household recyclables. But, first you will have a chance to visit Edmonton’s Reuse Store, where everything old is new again.
Sponsored by Waste Management of Canada
Net-Zero-Energy Home Tour, with Gordon Howell
Edmonton now has eight net-zero-energy homes either occupied or under construction. These incorporate sustainable materials, ultra levels of water and energy efficiency and various solar energy systems. The tour will be through one of them, and will be led by an experienced designer who can discuss how to design a house to reach the net-zero-energy goal.
Sponsored by sonnevera international corp.
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm PLENARY: Government Business
Moderator: Pat Kane (Alberta Environment)

Sponsored by Strathcona County

5:00 pm Alberta Recycling BBQ and Collection Site Awards
Sponsored by eCycle Solutions Inc., GEEP Alberta Inc., Liberty Tire Recycling Canada (AB) Ltd., Recycle-Logic Inc., CuttingEdge Tire Recycling LP, DBS Environmental
7:00 pm Vitreous Glass Welcome
Featuring Mobster Improv by Rapid Fire Theatre
Entertainment sponsored by Duncan & Craig LLP
Beverages sponsored by GEEP Alberta Inc.
Featuring Steam Whistle Brewing Products

Thursday, October 6

8:00 am – 8:30 am Exhibit Viewing & Refreshments
Sponsored by Canada Safeway
8:30 am Welcome Jason London (RCA President)
8:45 am – 9:30 am KEYNOTE: Toby Heaps (Corporate Knights)
Moderator: Malcolm Kirkland (BCMB)
Sponsored by Beverage Container Management Board
9:30 am – 10:00 am Exhibit Viewing & Refreshments
Sponsored by Aquatera Utilities Inc.
10:00 am – 11:30 am PLENARY: The Business of Recycling
Moderator: Garry Spotowski (City of Edmonton)

Sponsored by The City of Edmonton

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 100-Mile Diet Lunch and Recycling Council of Alberta AGM
Featuring RCA Patron Awards
Sponsored by EBA, a Tetra Tech Company
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION: Building Business
Moderator: Dan Zembal (Alberta Waste and Recycling Ltd.)

Sponsored by Alberta Waste and Recycling Ltd.

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION: The Business of Communications
Moderator: Sharon Howland (Town of Cochrane)

  • Mitch Hedlund (Recycle Across America) – Standardized Recycling Labels
  • Daniel Rochette (Waste Management) – Think Green Programs
  • Ben Chin (LoyaltyOne) – Message in a Bottle: How AIR MILES for Social Change is Transforming Recycling Behaviors and Saving Governments Money

Sponsored by City of Calgary

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Exhibit Viewing & Refreshments
Sponsored by CleanFARMS Inc.
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION: Nasty Business
Moderator: Joe Barraclough (ESAA)

Sponsored by the Environmental Services Association of Alberta

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION: Dirty Business
Moderator: Aaron Hills (Cleanit Greenit)

Sponsored by Cleanit Greenit Composting System

6:30 pm Reception
7:00 pm Mobster Ball
Banquet sponsored by Progressive Waste Solutions
Wine sponsored by Davis LLP

Beverages sponsored by eCycle Solutions Inc.
Featuring Steam Whistle Brewing Products2011 Rs of Excellence Awards
Sponsor Tribute
Dust off your spats and kick up your heels to live Rhythm and Blues by The Classics. Best mobster outfit will receive a free registration to the 2012 RCA 25th Anniversary Conference in Jasper.
Entertainment sponsored by Cascades Recovery Inc.

Friday, October 7

8:00 am – 9:00 am Exhibit Viewing and Refreshments
Sponsored by Solid Waste & Recycling Magazine, Resource Recycling and BioCycle
9:00 am – 10:30 am PLENARY: Diversion Business
Moderator: Dave Schwass (NOVA Chemicals Corporation)

Sponsored by NOVA Chemicals Corporation

10:30 am – 11:00 am Exhibit Viewing and Refreshments
Sponsored by Recycle My Cell
11:00 am – 11:45 am KEYNOTE: Penguin Business – Antarctic Expedition
Moderator: Lorenzo Donini (Ever Green Ecological Services)

Sponsored by Ever Green Ecological Services

11:45 am Conference closing
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Working Lunch
Sponsored by Merlin Plastics