Rs of Excellence Awards – Nomination

2025 Rs of Excellence Nominations

The Rs of Excellence Awards have been designed to recognize the special contributions RCA members are making to “promote, facilitate and advocate for a Circular Economy in Alberta through waste reduction and resource conservation“.

If you know a person, program, or organization that has made an outstanding contribution towards waste reduction, please let us know.

Application is simple: Use the form below to submit a nomination. Describe the goals, results, and accomplishments that were achieved resulting in waste reduction excellence. Consider the following criteria:

  • Waste Reduction impacts
    • What are the quantified reductions in waste? Metrics include amount of waste reduced, and associated environmental benefits. Measurable results are an important consideration in choosing winners.
    • How were the 3Rs incorporated?
  • Innovation and progressiveness
    • How did this nominee / project raise the bar?
  • Leadership
    • How is the nominee inspiring?
    • Was there collaboration?
  • History and track record
    • What did things look like before this change?
    • Did it create long-term change, or was it a one-time event?
  • Overall environmental commitment
    • What are the other environmental benefits (e.g., greenhouse gas reductions, behaviour change, etc.)
  • Suggested award category (past categories include Institutional Leadership, Product Stewardship, Waste Reduction Service, Corporate Leadership, Zero Waste, Special Event, Municipal Program)

We require at least two letters of support for each nomination. We also appreciate receiving a few photos of the project or organization being nominated. Electronic submission of all materials is preferred. You can send additional details, letters of support, and photos supporting your nomination via email to

Applications received after the summer deadline (TBA) will be held for consideration in the 2026 awards.

    Nominee Project or Company Name *

    Suggested Award Category

    Nominee Contact Name *


    Mailing Address



    Postal Code


    Email Address


    Please provide a brief project description summary

    Submit a detailed description, using the nomination criteria outlined above (up to 5 pages). Please indicate how we should expect to receive it:

    Please submit at least two letters of support for your nomination


    Nomination submitted by:

    Your Name *


    Your Email

    Daytime Phone Number *