EPS Recycling Workshop

Do you get questions about Styrofoam recycling? The Recycling Council of Alberta has heard this is a topic our members want to learn more about, so we presented a Workshop on Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) recycling on February 23, 2016 in Cochrane, AB.

For those who want to know more about how EPS can be recycled, and the experiences Alberta communities have had setting up diversion programs for this material, this was the workshop for you. We discussed equipment options, pricing, transportation logistics, communications, and opportunities / challenges of EPS Recycling in the Alberta context. This was a great opportunity to learn from those with hands-on experience delivering EPS recycling programs in Alberta.

Download the presentations by

  • PLUS: afternoon onsite demonstration and tour at Cochrane Eco Centre (50 Griffin Industrial Point).

Workshop sponsored by CPIA logo