Town of Canmore

  • Contact Name:

    Simon Robins
  • Job Title:

    Supervisor, Solid Waste Services
  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number:

    (403) 678-1584
  • Fax:

    (403) 678-1586
  • Website:
  • Address:

    100 Glacier Drive, Canmore, AB, T1W 1K8
  • Recycling - Community Programs


Municipality - Population 12,000.

Services Offered

Recycling depots with education centre accepting newsprint, magazines, mixed paper, cardboard, all hard plastics except polystyrene, household metals, beverage containers, clear & coloured glass and automobile batteries. Used oil collection facility (used oil, oil filters, glycol and plastic oil containers). Fluorescent light bulb and computer/accessories and TVs collection services offered. Toxic round-ups. Christmas tree collection, scrub & brush and leaf & yard waste program.