APRA’s Alberta Circular Plastics Day 2025 – Speakers Named and Early Bird Extended

The Alberta Plastics Recycling Association (APRA) is pleased to launch our full program with speakers included. We have also extended our early bird deadline to February 5. Take advantage of our $50 discount today!

Chemical recycling has been touted as the solution for managing our plastics problem, though we’ve heard this before with mechanical recycling claims and still have a long way to go. Join Antoinette Smith, Reporter for Plastics Recycling Update in the US, to learn about chemical recycling; how is it progressing in other jurisdictions around the world, and what lies ahead for expansion in North America?

View the full program and to register visit the ACPD website:

View the sponsorship package and exhibitor opportunities.
If you’re interested in sponsoring this event, booking an exhibit, or learning more about ACPD 2025, please contact info@albertaplasticsrecycling.com.

Newsflash paid for by the Alberta Plastics Recycling Association